”The launch of a powerful and modern plant”, Maksym Korol declares

King Smak is opening a rapeseed processing plant

From the first of June, the launch of a powerful and modern rapeseed processing plant.

"All thanks to the clear and coherent plan of the King Smak company development program

Now against the background of the war the economic activity is gradually stabilizing and this is a significant result of the skillful management.

Already in June we are planning to launch a rapeseed processing plant with an oil storage and a modern silo-type elevator.

Under this project, the modern production using the latest engineering technologies has been launched.

The implementation of this business plan will significantly affect the positive dynamics of the development not only of the central region of Ukraine but also of the entire country as a whole.

Our country is waiting for an economic breakthrough and success.

We believe, work and develop to make Ukraine stronger!", Maksym Korol the philanthropist and the director of Viktor & K PE said.

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